Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Wish for the New School Year

As the new school year begins and students pour into classrooms around the state, there is a sense of new hope and fresh beginnings. Schools that didn’t meet standards are ready to tackle the difficult job of meeting or exceeding goals, and schools that didn’t meet AYP have their work cut out for them. Those schools that meet AYP and are excelling know that to keep making progress, they must keep doing what they do, only better.

Infusing technology into the mix of state mandated testing and expectations is challenging, but is critical for our students to keep up with the pace of our world. Thankfully, companies like VoiceThread have made a concentrated effort to help teachers do their thing, (only better) and safely use technology to inspire students.

It is my hope that this year brings knowledge, common sense, and reflection to those who attend schools and those who run the schools. It is no easy task being a student, a teacher, or an administrator. I wish no greater gift to all than to be a learner in whatever role you play in the game of education. Have a great year everyone! Game on!

Friday, August 14, 2009

On the Subject of Internet Safety...

Those of you teachers using Blogger to create your class/school/teacher blog may want to take a safety precaution and remove the random "blog-out-of nowhere" navigation bar at the top of your screen. I got this code from @holtsman

Here is the cut and paste version, and below is a screenshot of where it belongs (click it to enlarge):

Basically, go into Layout, then edit HTML. It advises you to save a current copy in case something happens, and if you don't save a copy, then something will happen, and if you do save it than nothing will happen, so just save a copy somewhere on your hard drive like they recommend. Then add the code.

#navbar-iframe {height: Opx;visibility: hidden;display: none;}

It might save you a heap of trouble.
Just sayin'.